Well what an awesome end to our season with some of the most nail biting finals ever!
Huge congratulations to our winners, but also to all the teams who played, it certainly was a close comp in all ages.
Results below:
U8 Winners – Power Shots; U8 Sorenson Medal – Leo Grega
U10 Winners – Super Strikers; U10 Sorenson Medal – Braxton Palmer
U12 Winners – Warriors; U12 Sorenson Medal – Luka Perks & Jackson Weir
U14 Winners – Avengers; U14 Sorenson Medal – Arthur Dawson
U16 Winners – Red Bellies; U16 Sorenson Medal – Royce Cummings
Open Mixed Winners – Destiny; Open Mixed Sorenson Medal – Peter Craperi
Open Mens Winners – Blue Thunder; Open Mens Sorenson Medal – Andrew Kaltaf
A 3 week break now until our winter season starts on 24 April. Please get your nominations in via our website, either as whole teams or individuals and we can put you in a team.
(Please don’t register or try to pay as yet, we will advise when that can start happening, only nominate via the TFC website.)